Sunday, May 06, 2007

What the NRA is about now-a-days.

We talk in class every once in a while about how the NRA in itself is not a wretched organization. Historically, they served an important role in terms of both civil liberties protection and firearms safety education. In the past dozen or so years, they have gone off the deep end, though. Hopefully, this is the moment most Americans wake up and realize that they no longer serve those roles. They are now blindly all about "guns for everybody."


My favorite part is where the assistant attorney general says that it doesn't automatically mean that suspected terrorists won't have guns. If the ACLU had come out with anything close to this, right wingers would by crying that they are protecting terrorists. "America Haters! America Haters!" they'd cry. "Don't care about security!" they'd cry. But it's the NRA, so what they say instead is, "Woah! We're not taking their guns yet." Rrrg.