Define the debate
I sincerely hope this Social Security debate finally yields the debate we've really been having since the "Reagan revolution" and the contract on America. What kind of society do want here? Is it a society for the one or a society for all? Do we want to live where "I got mine, you get yours," or where we don't care about what other people are doing, as well as I get more?
There is one very strong piece of this issue that has only become more entrenched in my notions as I get older. Industries which are for the greater good should never, ever, be subject to the whims of profit. Enron proved it with utilities. The health care industry continually proves it. We wouldn't do it with roads, or police, or fire. More and more people want to add the education of our children to the profit-taking world. Now our most successful social program, Social Security, is going to be given over to the world of profit.
More later . . .
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